Waves and Weather
Understanding how waves are formed and how weather affects the surfing conditions will allow you to make better predictions about where the best surfing will be. In this section we review the fundamentals of wave formation, weather patterns and wave forecasting.
Waves 101 - This is a crash course in waves covering them from formation all the way until they crash on the shore of your local break. Learn where waves come from, how they act and what you can do to get more of them.
Wind & Weather - The weather can have a huge impact on the conditions of waves. Learn more about how weather patterns, the ocean ecosystem & the impact of humans of waves.
Other Useful Tools For Surfers
Surfboard Match Quiz - Are you riding the best surfboard for your size, skill level and wave conditions? Chances are you could use a better board, our matching quiz uses data from other surfers to recommend a few board types to look for. (click here to visit the Surfboard Match)
Ask A Scientist - Do you have a specific question about surfing that isn't covered anywhere else? Ask us and we'll find an answer from an expert that know what they are talking about. (click here to visit Ask A Scientist)