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Equalizer - This board rips! While the full nose, ample volume and extra “Hawaiian” entry rocker will allow you to catch waves easily, you’ll still be able to do full power arcs in critical sections.

By Glenn on 2014-03-27
I've had a 7.5 Equalizer for about 5 years now (tuflite) and it's a killer board. It works in all conditions. Paddles well, catches waves early, and really it's strength is it's speed. The one drawback is when you go to lay the rail down super hard and you're going fast, it will plane you straight and you'll wipe out. Has a pretty wide sweet spot and you can ride it forward or back. I would describe myself as a mini clyde with a high speed carving style, not a slasher/tail spinner. I've surfed this board in macking Sunset Beach to all my home breaks in Santa Cruz.

By Dan on 2013-12-01
I owned the 7'5". Excellent board point break surf. Because I can't get in the water a lot I would use it as my 'training wheels' to get in the water and get my fitness back. Surfs like a board a foot shorter, but plenty of volume to paddle. If you are getting a bit older but not keen to get a mal, this is the board to ride. I actually sold it to a friend who already had an identical one. He wanted to keep one as a backup! Might have a bit too much volume to be used as a gun, but as a fun board for a guy in his late 30s it kept me surf stoked!